4 Focus Group Facilities and Services Found Miami

Ask Miami
Tel 305-448-7769 | Miami, Florida
Located just 5 minutes from Miami International Airport in the heart of the Magic City, we are easily accessible from every corner of Miami-Dade Count[...]

20|20 Research – Miami
Tel 866-960-8269 | Miami, Florida
One of the largest metropolitan areas in the Southwest, Miami is a lively, multi-cultural city and thriving international business hub. Fully renovate[...]

Miami Market Research
Tel 305-666-7010 | Miami, Florida
30+ years of experience in research. 4 focus group rooms. Latest recording, streaming /conferencing services. Dedication to protecting your data w/ en[...]

WAC of Miami
Tel 786-364-2272 | Miami, Florida
WAC of Miami WAC has been serving the research industry for over 40 years. Our newest TOP RATED facility ,WAC of Miami, opened in 2008 with 4 focus g[...]